
Animal Success Stories
Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

He's doing SO well, and we love him more and more every day! He just graduated from Puppy training at PetsMart on Monday (the first pic is him with his cap on on Josh's lap). He is such a sweet puppy, and he LOVES going to doggy daycare twice a week at Dog Diggity. He has really come out of his shell since going to puppy training and day care. He LOVES other dogs, and he's starting to come around with strangers, but he's still just a little timid with new people at first. But he's definitely made improvements from the shaky little boy that he was when we first adopted him. He loves to go to Lake Lynn and Shelley Lake on the weekends, especially with this great weather we've been having! And he walks at least 1.5 to 2 hours every day! He's keeping us very active, and it's great to have that bonding time with him every day. He's already learned sit, lay down, come, let's go, up (into the car), stay and paw! He's such a smart boy. Bo is growing very fast, he's over 25 pounds, up from 16 when we first got him! He's getting strong and muscular and he's got such a great and lean body shape. Everyone at doggy daycare calls him a little pit bull puppy, because he looks SO much like a pit bull now, but we don't correct them anymore :) I think he's hound and pitbull, so that's what we tell people that ask. I don't care what he is anyway, he's a great dog and that's all that matters :) Thank you again for everything, and for giving us a wonderful new addition to our family. I'll try to remember to send pictures every so often and keep you posted on how he's doing.